Monday, January 25, 2010

It's about the city

Who runs the City of Sidney?
In our current form of government (which has been in place since July of 1950) it would be the city manager. He reports to a council that sets the over all policy of the city. If the city council feels that the city manager does not do his job they can fire him. Prior councils have done just that. This is a very black and white issue. Why has current council allowed this to degrade to this level. If our current manager has done anything that could be grounds for termination I would hope they would have done just that. If they have a personal issue with him get it out of our city business and handle it in another way.

Councilman VanVleet said it is the voters who have the say. When he ran for office did he let us know about a personal agenda? I personally voted for the man and had no idea. I did know he said council needed some wisdom. I would have liked to know up front, not saying I would not have voted for him anyway, just would have liked to know up front. I feel all politicians should be transparent about their goals. We do need our city to run the best it can, and I hate taxes just like the next guy. This kind of stress and accusations can't be doing any city employee any good.


  1. With all due respect Julie, You have been a staunch supporter of Gary Person for some time. When your brother put the Pundit up on the web, it was for one purpose and that was to get certain council members off of the bench. It is widely believed that you get your facts from the City Manager's office and that you don't have to pay the research fees other people do who choose to take different view.

    I don't have an issue with your support of Gary. However, as your mother would say, the same, "Gutless" people who refuse to give their name to the anonymous letter circulating around town are probably of the same ilk who leave anonymous messages on blogs.

    While it may be that the writer of the Sidney Citizen might fear retribution for public comments against the current City Manager, i hardly think that someone who leaves an anonymous post on a blog of a relatively powerless person such as myself is remotely as...justified.

    Michael Rowland

  2. I'm done with ROFLMAO.

    Mike, with all due respect please check facts! In no way could I be considered a staunch supporter of Gary Person. Pain in his backside, yes. Gary and I have lived in the same town for 18 years. I saw him more when I was on the Chamber Board. And I questioned him on everything back then. I would never consider myself a roll over for anyone. What I do believe in, is the system and track records. Something that I can look at in black and white.

    As far as my "brother" hmm, a quick check of the local phone book would have told you that David is my husband, not my brother. I suppose in some places they may be the same person, but I can assure you not in this case. If this is your idea of fact-checking, you should try a bit harder.

    As far as where I get MY facts, you may "widely believe" that I get information for free from the City Manager's office. Again, CHECK YOUR FACTS. When I get any information from city hall I pay, and I have the receipts to prove it. You can also do research at the public library. They have the same rates as the city at .10 per copy. If you are looking for copies of the council meeting videos, they are $5 each. Anyone who knows me could tell you that I would not rely on the City Manager's office for my personal opinions. This leads me to think that perhaps you are being influenced by just one or two people. Again, I like to see my information in black and white.

    I don't think you really wanted to talk about MY mother. She has been to Sidney for only two visits and not in the last 10 years.

    And if I stopped to think about it, I would perhaps fear retribution. I don't live in a bubble and I understand some people in Sidney do not like what I have to say. I invite them to respond, I need to verify who the information is coming from. I will not post names of people who do not wish them posted.

    I am glad to read the following: "Today, I am seeking to change that with the announcement that the GuardianNews will become a full service EPaper with a local emphasis on current local news, high school reporting, community events and of course, local opinion. It will still be reporting on issues nationally, but will consider the impact those national issues might have at the state and local level."

    I understand the frustration with other local media. You want people to hear what you have to say. I get that! The two things I have learned in 18 years of life in Sidney; check your facts and pronounce names correctly.

    Running a local media outlet is no easy task. My husband and I left his family radio business 10 years ago and have never looked back. Even your friend, Van Vleet, could tell you that it's not an easy road. Good luck to you, you'll surely need it.

  3. Mike, Julie does get many of her facts from the City Manager's office -- from me or whomever has access to the information. Almost all information in city government is public (only exception that I can currently think of is personnel related). I think you'll find that ANY person that requests public information will be given access to it. If it is any other way, it would be trying to hide information and we have NEVER done that.

    As far as not paying for the information, in the past, if a person needed one or two copies of something, we haven't charged them. That probably will change in the future, because I don't ever want it said that we treat some people different than others. If a person wants PUBLIC information that is running for City Council, we have tried to accommodate their needs and have not charged them. Maybe that needs to be reviewed also. We have also charged people 10 cents per copy for faxes if a copy needs to be made in order to fax it.

    In the past, if a person wanted a copy of a council dvd, they could either purchase one for $5 or check one out for $5, whic was returned if they brought back the dvd. That, too, is changing. All future requests for dvd's will be $5. Our office staff has been notified to that effect.

    If YOU or any other citizen wants information, all you need to do is ask. I think you will find everyone at the city offices to be accommodating if it's something in which they have access to, whether it's budget information, minutes from meetings, cemetery records, etc. We have gone out of our way to provide whatever is requested. The most important POINT is - TO WHOMEVER ASKS AND FOR WHATEVER REASON.

    An open forum like this, where your name is posted, gives credibility to your statements. Anonymous posts do not. You'll also find that I am writing this at home on my own time, and am not using city resources to do it.

  4. Thanks for the comment Jo. I think it should be made clear that it's black and white facts I get from you. I have not gotten any information form you that is not part of public access. The accusation to me was I'm a mouth for the city manager's office. I think Rowland made it very clear that I can't think for myself.
