Thursday, February 11, 2010

The reason for the questions was public perception

I did say personnel file, mea culpa. What Bob asked for was "Why was the crew leader position created and by whose request."

The question to Bob was why would you ask for this the very next day after Palmer spoke out in a meeting? He has been in this job for 5 years. And by all accounts has done it very well. In speaking with people who work with and around him he is a very good employee. So again, why the day after? The public perception and the perception of some of the city employees was and is, "if you speak up we will get you." And the mayor said "How can we do anything, Gary runs the city?" Can he really not understand the threat felt when a councilman requests information on you? I have no power over council, but look how they felt when I questioned their actions.

I want to make it very clear. I did not say Bob is a bad person. I do not think Bob is a bad person. In fact I voted for Bob. I heard from a third party that Bob is concerned with the type of business that is being recruited to town. I would like to hear it from Bob during a council meeting. If what I was told is true, Bob has a good point, if it was his point. That goes back to wanting open meetings open. I want to hear what the councilmen have to say about the economic development/city manager job.

As far as the amounts being paid to councilmen, Bob turned that entire topic into something about him. I said he signed a disclosure form in 1993 on his last time around on the council. How did he know to fill one out then, but not this time? How is it that the Mayor's disclosure is current and the others are not?

It is not Jordan's job to make sure they fill out the disclosures. When you are elected, you are offered the chance to go to a class to be sure you know what you need to know. As I pointed out, Gaston and Hiett had been reimbursed expenses for just that. The "public perception" was that Filsinger said he would do something for free and then billed the city. Had he filled out the proper disclosure forms prior to doing the work everyone would have known just what he was doing. I asked them to follow the rules and laws. Again, this was NOT about Bob. It was about doing the councilman job completely and in the open. Even when they have the best intentions, but don't follow the laws, things get in a big mess.

As far as why did I go in front of them at a council meeting and not take each one aside to discuss these things personally, I have talked with the mayor about open meetings. I did not get much of a response from him. It was about the fair board that I spoke to him, but still everyone in attendance was asked to leave a public meeting by him. Why would I ask again? By making my request in public, they can't deny or say they did not know. I asked through proper channels if Marv had written understandings with the city years ago, and was told he has never agreed to a written disclosure. So again by doing it in public they can't deny they were told.

I read Bob's site, Pitchforks and Torches. It was Bob who put the whole idea in my head to bring it up in council. He said he did not read the unsigned letter. He went to the Tea Party and stood for what he believes. I didn't write a letter. I stood before him in public and asked my questions.

Bob is correct about getting our constitution back. But, I don't think we can ask Washington to do to the job right if we don't start at the local level.


  1. As long as we are on the subject of open disclosure, I would love to hear the reason that the City of Sidney is not collecting a little over $11,000 in taxes from the mayors business. Does anyone else find it interesting that his little parcel of land is not annexed, yet city contracts are given for our animal control? Do the city Police and animal control officers even have jurisdiction once they take an animal taken from the city to an unannexed location? Why should I have to pay a fee to retreive my pet from a non-city business?? And folks wonder why the citizens have questions about our elected officials playing above board!! Unbelievable!

    Boo Radley

  2. The City can't claim taxes on property not in its jurisdiction. If someone wanted to move that that property be annexed, he would be required to recuse himself from the discussion and vote.

    I don't find it interesting at all, but if I did, would it make sense to annex the Ship and Pack next to it? Is that what you are really saying?

    Police officers have jurisdiction to transport prisoners, whether two-footed or less to places outside of their immediate jurisdiction.

    If you don't want to pay a fee to recover your animal, you should perhaps keep better control over them, so as not to have to pay any business that particular fee.

    Michael Rowland

  3. Mike-
    You need to do a bit of homework. Ship and Pack is in the city limits.

  4. Mike's right, why should the people of Sidney care if the Mayor's business is within city limits or not? After all, he pays taxes on his home, and contributes to the tax base of the city that way. I say that that people should take a look at the bids that both vet clinics made to get the animal control contract, and if White Bluffs was better, the city should have accepted it. If the Mayor is saving our city money because he doesn't have to pay the city property tax,and can keep his bid lower, than that's good for our town.
    And so what that the business isn't collecting city sales tax either. We have a couple of new occupation taxes that are going to pay for our streets. We don't need the sales tax from his clinic to pay for them. I say kudos to the Mayor for being smart enough and having the right connections to keep from being annexed.
    If I had property that enjoyed all the benifits of being within city limits, including being on the emergency snow route, and didn't have to pay the same taxes as my neighbors on three sides, I'd been giggling to myself during all those tax discussions and trying to stay under the radar too. What is wrong with getting to keep more of a hard earned income? After all, the council had the chance to annex the property in March of 2007 and didn't do it. Oh, and that was before Bob was back on the council, but this is probably his fault too.

  5. Thanks for making my point!! The fact that the council in March 2007 would NOT second a motion to annex the property sort of lends itself to the perception that the council takes care of the council first, and the citizens second. Let's get this item on the agenda again, and see if the outcome is the same, or if annexation will take place because we the people ar watching. PLEASE city council, MAKE ME A BELIEVER IN YOU AGAIN!!!

    Boo Radley

  6. Basically the Mayors land is an island in and of itself. Look at the city map..the homes to the West and Ship&Pack are INSIDE the city limits.. but the Vet clinic is not.

    And I too would be interested to know how they bill. I was told by the "coffee shop people" that people will adopt dogs and go pay for the licenses at the police station, but on the bill from White Bluffs that same dog is on the "killed" list. Who double checks that?? Is it true? They make a pretty good amount of money for killing animals. And if it's true that they are billing the city for killing a dog that in reality is ALIVE AND WELL then I think the fine Mayor and his wifey have some "splainin" to do.. don't you?


  7. First of all…yes, I posted an anonymous comment. Why? Because I think it demonstrates a bit of the thinking that people are talking about.

    Does anyone besides the author of this anonymous comment think that a proper role for a city council member is personal gain from holding office? Keep in mind the Mayor has the proper forms filled out and left the meeting when the contract was discussed and voted on.

    I don't know what kind of money the Mayor has saved by his clinic being out of city limits. I will check next week.

    Please keep Bob out of this. He was not on council at the time.

  8. Sally-
    The police department takes care of that. I will be happy to check next week on the process they use. I know that they do collect some money from dog owners that offsets what the Mayor gets. So really just looking at what has been voted on in council will not tell the whole story. The credit back to that account would give you more of a complete picture.

  9. The accusation is that the Mayor's business is fraudulently billing the city for animals that are not killed, and is adopting them out.

    Post the proof Dog's name, breed, date and time of kill and a subsequent request to license one at the police dept.

    I hope for the sake of the one commenting that we are talking a case where two people named a dog the same name.

    That would be liable an actionable by the victim against all those who put it up there to begin with. Is that what this is going to degenerate into now?


  10. What I find interesting is that the motion to annex the Mayor's business died for lack of a second (if what we read here is to be believed). Since the majority of people who post here believe a conspiracy of three exists, that leaves two others who would always do the right and proper thing. Whatever earthly reason would those two have to cut such a dastardly person as the Mayor that kind of break..

    It would have been more fun for all you out there in hooville to rant about the results of a vote that didn't happen because ALL of the city councilmen didn't act to at least second it? But all you can do is rant on the guy who benefited from a lack of action. Pathetic.

  11. Mike-

    See the note back to Sally. The police department checks out the bills. It would mean they are in on a cover up. Does anyone really think someone is going to work this hard to cover up a under $50 charge? Really?

  12. Better question.
    Would the Mayor really put himself in a bad position over $50, I think not.

  13. Mike,
    as a journalist, you should know that it is not wise to report or comment on any issue without having all the facts.
    Do you know who was on the city council in March of 2007, or who was the mayor when this issue was up for vote? When you have done the research, you can report the facts to us – or at least the facts as you see them. I am sure you will still have to posture at length about it, but we have come to expect that from you.
    Were you surprised at all when you saw the map of the city limits?

    By the way, a few notes on language and words.
    In a post you wrote..."smear, slander or in the case of other publications, LIABLE people in order to somehow add shine to their own argument." I believe the word you were searching for was libel. You are liable to confuse people with this misuse.

    Also, in your "news story" regarding the city council proceedings, "Those meetings, involved the question of whether or not to retain outside COUNCIL..." Retain what outside council? Oh, wait, I think that you meant outside counsel.
    I have noticed, however that you have been using "it's" correctly of late, instead of as a possessive.
    Julie, I look forward to hearing about what you find out about the billing.

    Marie N.

  14. Marie-
    Gaston had just been named Mayor. Hiers made the motion, Hiett or Filsigner could nave made the 2nd but did not.

    I'm sure if you have a look you will find plenty of errors on this site as well.

    I will have a look at the billing on Monday. I also hope to have the meeting from 3/07 also on youtube.
